Zodiac Academy!
Edition #3

  Welcome back to Zodiac Academy! I    can't believe we're at the third article already! Thank you to everyone who's been reading these, from the bottom of my heart <3

So I thought I would add a list of the zodiac signs I've already done, to make it easier for both me and you to keep track of which ones to do next :)

(P.S. Blue - Water sign; Red - Fire Sign; Yellow - Air Sign; Green - Earth Sign)

Edition 1: Scorpio
Edition 2: Leo
Edition 3: You're reading it!

For today's article, I had a tough time choosing which one to do, but eventually settled on...Gemini! (applause) Witty, charming and very good at mimicking are three words (actually 6, but that doesn't matter-) to describe this air sign.


The Sorting Ceremony


Let's begin with the traits. Geminis are ambiverts, which is neither extroverted nor introverted. They're super clever, playful and can adjust to nearly anything. But if you're a Gemini, it means you, at times, question your decisions, and hate making important decisions. Geminis are independent beings who work their way to the top. And they can also be a bit moody (I mean moody-moody, not- Moody-) and dramatic.

With this, I conclude that Geminis would be in...RAVENCLAW!



(I'd also like to add that Gemini is an air sign, and the symbol of Ravenclaw is an eagle, so...that kind of adds to Gemini being in Ravenclaw)



Now for the subjects they'd be best at, I decided to do it a little differently. I'm going to list down a few subjects and say (or type?) 'Fail' or 'Pass'. And for a few, I'll also say why. (Please don't come after me if it's a fail *terrified face*)

Transfiguration - Pass! (Geminis are clever and pretty good at these complex topics)

Potions - Pass! (A subject that requires precision)

Muggle Studies - Fail.. (The information is interesting, but not what Gemini would consider as important for a magical career)

History of Magic - Pass! (Geminis would be good at theory)

Charms - Pass! (Filius Flitwick, anyone?)

Defense Against the Dark Arts - Fail.. (DADA is more individualistic, and Geminis work better in a team)

Arithmancy - Pass! (Geminis are good with numbers. Or, at least, someone I know is *shrug*)

Divination - Fail..

Magical Legends and Tales - Fail..

Study of Ancient Runes - Pass!

Astronomy - Pass!

Herbology - Pass!

Care of Magical Creatures (Geminis are gentle, and good with animals)

Flying - Pass!



Geminis can get along with nearly anyone, but their closest friends are their fellow Air signs, Aquarius and Libra.


(Wondering if this is true XD)

Ahem, sorry about that. A few Zodiac-Meme-Aliens decided to invade. So, where were we? Yes, Gemini's friends. Their bond with Aries, the fire sign, is also quite magical.



Virgo, Pisces and Sagittarius are three signs Gemini does not get along with AT ALL. They're basically opposites in love and relationships, and think really differently. There's also Taurus, Scorpio and Capricorn, who kinda hate each other.

*Looks at all my Gemini friends* The stars are liars.


Love Interests

Again, Libra and Aquarius are the best matches for Gemini, because they know how a Gemini thinks. But Fire signs, AKA Leo and Aries (Not Sagittarius, because they're enemies), are also pretty good matches.

Thet's all for today's article! Hope you enjoyed reading! If you'd like to see a particular Zodiac Sign, feel free to owl me or comment on this post. :)

See you next week! ...or bi-week! ...or...Next article...


Written by:
Ingrid Potter

coded by Issie