The Bad Boy Appeal



written by: Emery Levine
~SoMe Team~


Hey guys! Great to see you again! Now this topic was requested quite a bit so I felt it had to be done. We are going to be talking about the appeal of bad boys vs. Nice boys. Let's get into it.

Let's start off with the nice guys because let's be honest they really are the ones who deserve the attention here! The nice guys not all the time but sometimes come off shy and most of the time are sweet. They'll be there for you when you are having a rough day and help you out when you are sick. They'll give you the physical comfort you need when you need it. They are emotionally there for you. Which is what a guy really should be doing.

Now with Bad boys (AKA not someone you want to really be hanging out with), you are going to find they are more interested in there own interests, don't really care what you think and aren't there for you when it really matters most. They will also use you rather than actually like you for you. Now who really sounds like the upstanding guy in this situation? It's obvious when written down The appeal part with these guys is mainly how they dress sometimes and talk and that's the thing you have to be careful about, Master Manipulators will be great charmers.

I highly suggest you go for the nice guys as that's far more likely to work out! Remember a caring and genuine personality is much more attractive than a way a guy talks or looks.
What's really the appeal?

I think I gave you a lot to think about! Now answer below. Do you often go for the bad boys or the good guys? And guys if your reading are you one of the bad boys or good guys?

It was great getting to give you guys another look into the dating world see ya next week!
Want to send me an idea for a blog on date right my discord is EmeryLevine#0367
coded by Issie