Blog Article


Issue #1 - "#1 Issue? - #1 Player!"

Hi there!!! Welcome to 'Catch Me If You Can!' The blog article that lets you get a closer look at the students here at Hogwarts who play for their respective House's Quidditch Team. Each issue will put a spot light on a different player so you can get to know them more off the field! Their (IG) personalities, skills, etc. ...That's if I can catch them of course! They are very speedy xD!

I'm August or 'Auggie' Lumsden and I have the privilege of being on The Gryffindor Quidditch team and the privilege to write these blogs! So with the intro out of the way let's get to the player of the first ever edition, one of my bestest friends: Andre Silverthorn!



---- (Start of the Interview) ----

Auggie: Hi bestie! Thanks for doing this little interview with me today, I owe you one! How are you?

Andre: No worries, just be glad I’m not charging you five Galleons a minute just to chat. I’ve thought about it. Might be a good way to get people to leave me alone. Anyway, I’m great! Always happy for an opportunity to talk about myself.

Auggie: Haha, very glad about that. You know I love talking with you so I would go broke so fast! Honoured I can give you this opportunity, mate, here's your first question... what made you try out for the Slytherin Quidditch Team?

Andre: I was dared to try out for the team, and then I just stayed for the laughs.

Auggie: Oh yeah...but your skills are no joke, mate! What if your favorite part of being on the team?

Andre: Winning and the team spirit. ... Actually, ew, the last part sounds too cheesy. You better not add it to the article.

Auggie: (small note to the edditor: take the last part out please xD) Winning is nice! I know how much you love it and you and the Snakes are no stranger to it, so what is your favorite Quidditch position to play and why?

Andre: I enjoy being a Chaser. It's fun to score points and flash an innocent smile at the disappointed opposing Keeper.

Auggie: You're funny in and out of the game, bestie! ...I know I have nicknames for you, but when you are on the pitch do you have a nickname your teammates or others call you?

Andre: ...Pumpkin head. For context, I drank a Pompion Potion before a match once. Nobody is ever going to let me forget it. It's fine though. I looked pretty good for a pumpkin.

Auggie: You're right! I will never let you forget that, haha. That's one of my favorite games! Speaking of watching the quidditch matches, if you had to pick one person in the stands that is your favorite to come and watch, who would it be?

Andre: You'll never going to believe this, but I'd pick my boyfriend Brayden. Shocking, I know.

Auggie: I... I am so shocked right now. You and Bray are so cute! I do love seeing him in the stands as well! Now, if you had to play for a different house team which would it be and why?

Andre: Badgers, for sure. They're so underrated. I always thought they should put everyone in their place and show who's boss. I even have a Badger spy outfit just for occasions like this.

Auggie: I agree, Badgers are underrated and such a good team! I'm sure Bray is happy with your answer! Next question is a little deeper than the rest, just a heads up! ...Do you have any fears when you're up in the air and playing?

Andre: Uh, no. I'm not scared of heights. Nuh uh, not at all. Anyone who thinks that has lost their gobstones. I'm not afraid of anything. Haha...

Auggie: Pffft, don't worry mate! Let me seamlessly transition to the next question... let's see... oh this one's a good one! I don't think you'll be bad at anything, but what's one quidditch position you think you would not be good at?

Andre: Seeker. My eyesight is awful, so I wouldn't be able to see the snitch.

Auggie: Haha, that's reasonable, the snitch is unfairly hard to see even with 20/20 vision! I can attest to that. Now for my personal favorite question I have written down... if a song could play full blast as you walked out onto the field, what song would you pick and why?

Andre: All I do is win by DJ Khaled. It's basically MY song, cus all I do is win, win, win no matter what ♪



Auggie: That- that is the most perfect song for you. I'll forever think of you now whenever I hear that song, haha! And finally, the last question I have for you! If you could give any advice to the young students who want to try out for Quidditch, what would it be?

Andre: Be nice to your brooms. They're extremely bitter and will make your life harder if they decide they don't like you. Don't ask how I know.

Auggie: That's some good real advice, mate! Our brooms are our life lines up there! And alrighty... that's all I have for you today!


---- (End of the Interview) ----

Thank you to Andre, once again for being amazing as usual and for not charging me for this interview xD. Love you bestie! I hope you enjoyed reading and that you got to know this Quidditch player better! If you are able, make sure to catch the next Quidditch Game! That's all from me now! Thank you for reading!
Coded by Finch