Issue #07
Welcome back to our newest edition of Aurors Investigate!
This monthly story will air on the Wizard & Witch Wireless once a month, and bring you all of the latest shenanigans, updates and insight into the witches and wizards that occupy level four of the Ministry of Magic. Namely our brave Aurors, their interns, bosses and of course Hitwizards(or witches).
This honest and truthful recollection of stories will be brought to you by a brave team of reporters who will be risking their necks and sometimes lifes in the effort to remain unbiased and more importantly truthful. They are 100% committed to this endeavour!
And so we will now invite you to sit back, relax and enjoy this transcript of this month's Aurors Investigate broadcast.
Last time on Aurors Investigate we learnt some more about the mysterious Auror X, or now better known as Sara Fontaine.
Well in one last ditch sleuthing effor we have managed to uncover a top secret audio recording of Head Auror Nina Hayes and their underling Sara Fontaine.
What occured in this recording you might ask? Well only the most shocking tale of them all!
We managed to capture the exact moment Nina Hayes contronted Sara Fortaine about the Auror X scandal.
How did we get this audio recording? Well let's just say that is a secret for another day, but Nina might need to tighten their security or at least make an attempt and uncovering our mole.
Now a small disclaimer before we play this recording for you, some movements have been transcripted for our readers engagement. And Nina Hayes has been known to use They/Them pronouns so all of their actions have been described in that manner.
So without further ado, let's listen in.
Audio begins to play.
Sara's eyes furrowed in concentration. “Just one more damn minute” she snapped as a loud knock could be heard on the door to her office. The door creaked open, revealing on the other side Sara’s boss.
Head Auror Nina Hayes was dressed impeccably as always in their Auror robes, hair pulled into a messy bun and sleeves rolled up to the elbows.
“Sorry to intrude but I have been waiting outside for the past five minutes.”
Sara looked up from her work, face stricken. “You have…?” she asked in horror “Why?” “Well, you did miss this morning’s debrief and then the senior Auror meeting so I wanted to make sure you were okay. And as it seems I was right in the assessment that you aren’t, it does appear that I should have arrived earlier.” Nina finished one arm raised to gesture to the paper filled office they stood on the threshold off. Sara barely surprised a scowl. “What exactly do you mean, as is it appears! There is nothing wrong with my office. Thank you very much. Now as I am in the middle of working through a breakthrough I would kindly ask you to leave.” Sara finished, arms crossed as she glared at her boss.
Nina took a step back, eyebrow raising. “You want me to leave, is that right? Well then I am afraid you shall be coming with me to my office, seeing as you have decided not to grant me entry to yours.”
Sara paused, the realisation of what she had just said to her boss seeping in. “I’m sorry Boss, I misspoke, of course you can come in.” She pulled out her wand and with a swish, a chair was freed of paper. “Please take a seat. What was it you were wanting to discuss?”
Nina took a seat and pulled out a newspaper before gently throwing it on the desk in front of Sara, it skidded lightly but landed neatly onto her freshly dried parchment roll.
“See for yourself.” Nina remarked.
A quick glance down at the newspaper confirmed Sara’s suspicion and she sighed in defeat. “I didn’t know this would be printed, I swear!” She exclaimed, trying to claw back the last of her dignity.
“Not quite the point Ms Fortaine, you did say these things did you not? And you are writing this so called tell-all novel, are you not”
“Yes I did, and yes I might be. But you know what! Maybe I’m not actually sorry, seeing as you have the job that I deserve the job that I worked my butt off for.”
“Oh Sara, just what kind of mess have you gotten yourself into.” Nina said with a sad shake of their head. “You are already under investigation for speaking to the press, do you really want to be on probation too?” Nina paused again. “I’m sorry, for causing you to feel this way. I made you my partner because I recognize your talents and wanted to honour that as making you my 2nd in Command. I just wish you had come to me sooner.” Nina stood up, and turned towards the door. “I will leave you to think things over, you know where my office is when you are ready.”
Audio ends.