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Blog Article
- Issue #5 -
March, 2025

Okay, so she was running... a bit late. Only the tinnest bit! 'This is what I get for mixing up the place to meet.' Katherine thought to herself, shaking her head as she briskly walked through the snow filled-cobbled streets.

Ever since Katherine and her friends graduated, they talked about keeping their tradition of meeting at The Three Broom Sticks every other Saturday night. They had started this trend back in their third year, so that they could insure that they would get to hang out despite their busy student schedules. This was their first time doing this as graduates. Hence Katherine's slight predicament. She had mistaken the meeting place to be at Hogwarts Castle instead of The Three Broomsticks itself.

But no worries now! Katherine was on her way, feeling her pace speed up a little as she bobbed and weaved through the people of Hogsmeade Village. While doing so, she waws simontaniously putting on her gloves and wrapping her scarf around her neck. Hogsmeade sure was cold. Though the movement reminded her of how she finished putting on her attire as she rushed to class when she was younger. Maybe she always ahd a problem with being on time...

But in no time, the girl had found herself at The Three Broomsticks. As she walked closer, but before she went in, she could see her friends through the window closest to her. She couldn't help but pear in, out of curiosity. They didn't seem to see her yet, but they were visible to Katherine. A smile made its way to her delicate features. Though she knew she would join in the happy conversations soon, it was nice to just watch her loved ones for a second.

Aforementioned, Hogsmeade always made Katherine so cold- she wasn't the biggest fan of snow -but it just meant the inside of shops such as The Three Broomsticks were even more warm to her. Her eyes focused first on the candles that were lighting up the space. The ones on the walls and the ones in the center of the table her friends were sitting at. The warm glow of it illuminated their happy expressions.

Katherine loved her friends. She will forever admit that she would have been lost without them. They were always there, through out all the lows and the highs. They were her found family.

Despite her twin brother technically already being family. He was more relaxed, resting his back against the wooden chair and having one arm drapped on his girlfriend's shoulders. Kathrine was happy that Leah and him got together. It was about time!

Speaking of getting together, Kathrine's eyes did scan her friend group until she landed on her girlfriend, Lauren. A sweet (and big) smile formed. There were disbelievers- people saying they weren't going to last, but they sure showed them! They were both so happy with one another. She remembered they had a mini date during their first ever Hogsmeade trip.

Coincidentally it was at The Three Broomsticks. They both always had a love for it. A cozy place to eat and talk with one another while Kathrine got lost in her beautiful girlfriend's bright blue eyes. The girl always appriciated the ambience of chatter as well.

Today, it seemed like the tavern was quite full. Katherine usually wasn't one to be on the outside looking in. She was on the inside, causing some kind of chatter. She guessed that's why she took a second even though she was already running late. There's a first time for everything.

She took one last look inside, wondering what buzzing conversation her friends were having right now despite knowing she was going to join them in just a moment. When she did go in, she was met with her loved ones' usual enthusiasm. It made her heart warm.

"Ay!! There she is!"


Thank You
For Reading!
Written By: August Lumsden
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