Hello! Welcome back to History of Magical creatures, where we will talk about a magical creature one article at a time, and today we will be talking about none other than the Werewolf! Werewolves are also known as Lycanthrope which is a person who can shapeshift into a wolf or as yuou may have seen in films "hybrid wolf-life creature" One is said to become a Werewolf by being bitten or scratched by another Werewolf, to which the transformation is complete on a full moon.
werewolves are a widespread concept in European folklore, though there are many variants, the underlying European folklore developed during the medieval period. The belief in werewolves were developed in parallel to the belief in witches.
After the end of the witch trials, Werewolves bacame an interest in folklore studies and emerged in the Gothic Horror genre ansd amazingly wherewolf fiction had premodern precedence in medieval romance.
That's all for todays article, I hope it was as enjoyful for you as it was for us, I love these facts about the Werewolf and I can't wait to show you what's in store for us next with History of Magical Creatures.