Staffy Sunday
Interview Edition;
Staffy Sunday is a weekly blog post where I, (the best person in da world) Suri Ahn will be interviewing/questioning the lovely staff members of WoP US to get their OOG (out-of-game) answers to some questions!
Today's guest makes the word prefect sound perfect! ...get it, cause she's pure perfection--
It's none other than Adalia Black!

Adalia Black
[Q;] Describe yourself using only 5 words!
[A;] Oh, Merlin! That's a tough one. Hmm, I would describe myself as ✧ a really gorgeous hot mess. ✧There! 5 words. Hehe, just kidding. Strong-willed, perfectionistic, enthusiastic, sensitive and supportive?
[Q;] In your group of friends, what role do you play?
[A;] Either the Mom friend, or the-- yeah no. I'm the Mom. 😭
[Q;] If you could live in a book, TV show, or movie, what would it be?
[A;] Ooh la la! DEFINITELY Harry Potter. Or Hunger Games. Maybe Mean Girls.
[Q;] What is your favourite thing about WoP and why?
[A;] My favourite thing about WoP? Everyone says this, but YOU BET IT'S THE PEOPLE! I have met the most incredible souls here, and I am forever wow-ed by everyone's creativity, talent and kindness. You need only pop into chat for a few minutes to feel the magic and much-loved madness. I swear, every time I log in, it's like my very first day all over again. Mwah, I love you all, and I am so lucky to call you my lil WoP family! ♡
(drops the mic and sniffs) that was beautifully said, Ada... (continues sniffing)
That is all for this time! Thank you, Adalia for your time! Unfortunately, next week will be exam week-- meaning I won't be posting my weekly blog cause I'll be studying and taking exams with my sister... ugh.
Don't worry, I'll be seeing you all again next year though, where I'll be stronger and wiser ;)
Bye bye, see you all again!
Until next time,
Suri Ahn
SoMe team