Staffy Sunday
Interview Edition;
Staffy Sunday is a weekly blog post where I, (the best person in da world) Suri Ahn will be interviewing/questioning the lovely staff members of WoP US to get their OOG (out-of-game) answers to some questions!
Today's guest is like the best bits of soft, sweet, warm and cozy! And no, I was not describing cinnamon rolls.
It's none other than Blaire Fontaine!

Blaire Fontaine
[Q;] Describe yourself using only 5 words!
[A;] Reserved, ambitious, kind-hearted, observant and shy
[Q;] Which fictional character would you most like to meet and why?
[A;] How dare you make me choose! This is a bit of a long-shot, but I would say Mikasa Ackerman. My reasoning for this is that I understand where she comes from with her reserved nature, but I admire how she can stand up against others (even those who are closest to her) and be such a 'girlboss' in the process. I definitely would love to get some tips from her on gaining that sense of confidence.
[Q;] What is one thing you could not live without and why?
[A;] This was a hard one. I would probably have to say...a plush toy! Yes, a very odd choice but a small plushie can help you through many things in life. You don't need to constantly feed it like a pet, and it can listen to all your troubles while you sit in your room and rant to your hearts content. Another positive; you can hug it when you want to sleep and it'll provide lots and lots of comfort.
[Q;] What is your favourite thing about WoP and why?
[A;] My favourite thing about WoP would have to be the people for sure! Everyone is super kind and easy to get along with, and it makes everything about the site so welcoming. I can say with certainty that I have had the chance to meet so many incredible people in the past 2-3 months I've been on the site, and I look forward to making more memories with everyone and getting to hear from even more lovely people.
That is all for this time! Thank you! Till then, see you next Sunday where I will be back with a new, yet familiar, face! >:D
Until next time,
Suri Ahn
SoMe team