Staffy Sunday
Interview Edition;
Staffy Sunday is a weekly blog post where I, (the best person in da world) Suri Ahn will be interviewing/questioning the lovely staff members of WoP US to get their OOG (out-of-game) answers to some questions. YES! This is a way to get to know the staff members better when they are not messing around at the Ministry or handing out detentions at Hogwarts!
You've probably seen my fellow sweet, innocent colleague trying to separate her beloved brother and bestfriends from fights that she 80% caused.
It's none other than Yuzuki Miyawaki!

Yuzuki Miyawaki
[Q;] What is your favorite memory here on WoP?
[A;] Honestly every moment is a memory here, but every little moment with the Ahn twins and Julian is my favourite. The little convos in chat, Suri and Nari pulling me away from boys cuz they say boys "stink", believe me boys don't stink they are amazing! Oh another of my favourite memory is painting at the grounds alone. Its very peaceful.
[Q;] Describe yourself using only 5 words!
[A;] Soft-heartened, Emotional, Over thinker, Loving and Friendly
[Q;] Your life quote / motto?
[A;] "Life is short, but it is wide. This too shall pass." and "You were born to be real not to be perfect"
[Q;] What do you enjoy about your job?
[A;] This job allows me to show my creativity in writing, it's a great place for me as I love writing and using creativity. Moreover I get to gather tea from everywhere around the site and put the amazing ones in my blog so its just perfect! also my fellow workers are the top reason of me loving the job, the energy and vibes they give, the support! I just love being there
That is all for this time! Thank you! Till then, see you next Sunday where I will be back with a new, yet familiar, face! >:D
Until next time,
Suri Ahn
SoMe team