Welcome back to yet another edition of Zodiac Academy, {%FIRSTNAME%}! Did the 'firstname' thingy work this time? Let's hope it did.
So, it's the 8th article already! I feel proud!
And...since 8 is a very special number, yes, it's my birthday, I will be hosting an event (sort of). Everyone reading this, put down your zodiac signs in the comments/owls, and every week, I will randomly choose four, and add a section to my usual articles - Story Time! Zodiac Academy - now - is mostly about the signs' traits, but what if they actually attended school?
Their moods, feelings, thoughts, the way they talk - all in the form of a story. I'll be starting from next week because, uh- I need time to figure out a plot-
SO, first will be the usual ZA, then we begin with 'Story Time'. But here's a twist - I won't be telling you which character is who, so it's up to you to figure out based on their personalities. Those who get it right, will receive a random prize between 20 and 50 galleons. Please do owl me the answers, and not put them in the comments :)
For today, we will be looking at Capricorn, yet another earth sign! Bring on the applause!
As usual, let's start with the previously done zodiac signs:
Edition 1: Scorpio
Edition 2: Leo
Edition 3: Gemini
Edition 4: Aries
Edition 5: Libra
Edition 6: Virgo
Edition 7: Taurus
Edition 8: You're reading it!
The Sorting Ceremony
Capricorn's symbol is the goatfish (I invented that) and an 'n' with a squiggle at the bottom. They're extremely loyal, honest and responsible. But, they can also be a teeny bit bossy, stubborn, and pessimistic. Whatever work they do, they put in their 100%, and only give the best.
SO, with this, I'd sort Capricorn into........RAVENCLAW!!!

First off, Capricorns, much like the other Ravenclaws, are best at theoretical subjects. So you can cross out flying, divination, muggle studies, and herbology. But History of Magic, Transfiguration, Charms and Ancient Runes are few subjects Capricorn are great at! :D
Capricorns are extremely loyal friends who, I can assure you, will be reliable. This sign may not make the most outgoing or spontaneous friend, but they take friendship seriously and can always be depended upon, especially when life gets tough.
Their natural friends are Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces – grounded, stable and supportive signs that Capricorn knows it can rely on.
Capricorn is a sign that thinks through a decision. Aquariuses, Geminis, and Leos are basically the opposite. They depend more on instinct. That's why they don't get along at all. There's also Taureans, who are extremely competitive, just like Capricorns. Let's just say...sometimes, like poles attract, and sometimes, they repel...
Love Interests
Now for romance! As usual, Capricorn's fellow earth signs - Taurus and Virgo - are the best matches. But there's also water signs - Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces - who get along pretty well. I like to think of it this way. For a plant to grow, it needs water. Funny way of remembering it, but helpful!
That's all for today's blog! Hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to put down your Zodiac Signs in the comments, and I might just use it next edition! Also, don't forget to suggest any 4 zodiacs for next article's Story Time!
Stay tuned, and see ya next week!
Written by:
Ingrid Potter |