A Social Media Team Competition
There was an awesome turnout in this competition with a lot of fun creative submissions to read through. Unfortunately, we can only have three winners. Sooo let's give a big round of applause to...
Third place winner Naomi Bertin,
Second place winner Coco Alvarez,
And our First place winner Isla Brisbane!
A big thank you to everyone who participated and making this competition a success. Congratulations to our lovely winners!
Click on the winners to see their submissions.
This blog post has been written and coded by: ![]() (Crystella Desurra - Social Media Team Lead) |
by Isla Brisbane
Under the ancient temple ruins of Mount Padang in Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia
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BintangThe first house is Bintang, which means "star", and this house values religion and beliefs. This house is based on the first principle in Pancasila, "Ketuhanan yang maha esa" which means "one and only God". However, this principle does not mean that everyone should have one same religion. It means everyone is free to believe in any religion, but they should have one religion that they believe. So, the students in this house would have high sense in tolerating others' beliefs, strong-willed mind, and high dedication on everything they do. |
RantaiThe second house is Rantai, which means "chain", and it values humanity. This is derived from the second principle, "Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab", which is translated as "fair and civilized humanity". This principle means everyone should obey the rules and custom and respect people with manners. Students from this house would be really respectful towards people whether older or younger, helpful in almost every thing they can manage, and caring towards other. |
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BeringinThe third house is called Beringin, which means "banyan tree", and this house values union. The third principle, which is where the house is referred to, is stated as "Persatuan Indonesia" which means "Indonesia's union". By union, the principle means that all people of the country is bonded by one similarity, their homeland, to achieve the same goal. That means, students from this house would have a good sportsmanship in teamwork, a big heart for not to be selfish, and a tendency to always think about others before themselves. |
BantengThe fourth house is Banteng, which means "buffalo", and it values wisdom. The four principle is "Kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh hikmat kebijaksanaan dalam permusyawaratan/perwakilan" which has the similar meaning as "populist is led by wisdom in consultation/representation". This means, any acts in the community need to be responded by wisdom, and of course, consultation. Students of the house would highly value and have wisdom, natural consultant personality, and leader soul as their traits. |
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Padi-KapasLastly, the fifth house is named Padi-Kapas, or "rice and cotton", which values justice. This is derived from the fifth principle, "Keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia", which is translated to "social justice to all people of Indonesia". The principle shows how important is justice to all people despite their status in the community. The students would, unquestionably, value justice, equality, and fair play. |
It is built underground, under the ancient temple ruins of Mount Padang. Since it is built underground, it looks more like a huge bunker which is casted by Undetectable Extension Charm. The school itself has a large court used for outdoor activities, several greenhouses, several mini zoos, a huge and deep underground lake, and a miniature rainforest which are all used for the purpose of studying. The school consists of two main bunkers: Study Bunker and the Dormitories. The Study Bunker has four underground floors. The first floor, which is the nearest floor to the ground, does not have any classes since it is fully built for Dining Hall and Memory Hallway. The classes are in the second floor until the fourth floor. As for the Dormitories, it has five levels, each level for each house. Every level has three main area: common room, girls' dormitory, and boys' dormitory.
The name "Padang Penyihir" comes from two words in Indonesian, "padang" and "penyihir". "Padang", which is also derived from the name of the mount itself, means "land" in English, meanwhile "Penyihir" means sorcerer. In a sentence, "Padang Penyihir" means "land of the sorcerers". It was founded in 1854 by a pure-blood wizard by the name of Roshan Adhigana. He had the intention to advance the wizarding community in all regions in Indonesia. So, he owled every influential figure in all regions, offering his idea which was later approved by no less than 20 regions in the country. They formed a conference, which was named as Batavian Wizarding Conference because it was held in Batavia (now: Jakarta) in early 1850. It was decided that the school would be built underground to reduce muggles' curiosity. Under Adhigana's command, they built a wizarding school for all young wizards and witches in Indonesia. After 4 years, the building was finally done. It was built without any houses because Adhigana thought that students should all be treated the same. However, his grandson, Candra Adhigana, later grouped the students into 5 houses based on Indonesian's personalities so that the students could be treated better based on their personalities. The system was changed in 1945, and this system is still being used until now.
by Coco Alvarez
Rome, Italy
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RomanoRomano is the house that values head over heart. Logic and truth is more important than feelings to them. The house is inspired by the book ‘Logica e verità’ (logic and truth) one of the magical volumes sitting on the scales of being. They are the section of brains, the part that does the thinking. The house colours are blue and green. |
ValentinaValentina however values heart over head. They are the ones that will consider other’s feelings before accusing someone and friendship is very important to them. There house was inspired by ‘la magia della gentilezza’ (The Magic of Kindness) the book that sits directly across from Romano’s volume on the scales of being. Valentina’s make sure everyone is happy and feels good about decisions. The house colours are pink and red. |
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MarioMario is the house that values outside over inside. They think that you are best represented by your abilities and appearance rather than how you act. Mario’s are generally talented and good looking, but some of them just wish they were. Mario is inspired by The book ‘Rappresentanze’ (Representations). Mario’s are sometimes known for being arrogant and thinking that they are better than others. Their house colours are maroon and gold. |
MisettoMisetto values inside over outside. Misetto’s think that you can show who you are by how you act more than what people see. Misetto has a book called ‘impatti e atti’ (Impacts and acts). This sits directly across from Mario’s volume, balancing out the outside impressions. Misetto’s are a bit like Valentina’s except they speak their mind more and are always trying to be their selves rather than always being kind. Their house colours are yellow and orange. |
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At the front of the school there is a huge luscious green lawn with quidditch goals at either end that can be used for house quidditch matches. Spectators normally sit on a picnic blanket in their house colours around the edge. The school is giant sandstone building with four towers for each house at the corners. There are huge golden doors at the entrance, and on either side, the scales of being. The scales of being are two sets of scales on either side of the front door. On one set there is the books for Romano and Valentina and then on the other side there is the books for Mario and Misetto. Both scales are perfectly balanced to show that you need a mix of people with all different beliefs to make the world go round. Inside the building, the rooms are light and airy but filled with colourful objects. The walls are lined with extravagant masquerade masks. All of the windows are made from bright stained glass.
The Scuola Di Magia Di Lucietto was founded by Maria Lucietto in the 1600s. Maria had seen many instances of uneducated witches and wizards causing mayhem on the streets of Rome. She wanted place for young children to come to learn to nurture their uniqueness and make friends like them so she came up with the idea of opening a magic school. She flew across the world, finding teachers to teach the curriculum of Potions, Wand work, Music and Art, Astrological Fortunes and Magical Culture. The curriculum has stayed mainly the same except Magical History has been added to the core subjects and Flying and Magical Creatures have been added as elective opportunities. Lucietto thought back to the original purpose for her school 50 years after it opened and remembered that she’d wanted to make a spot for children to make friends like them so she created the four houses and the scales of being. Lucietto wanted the scales to remind the students that their house depended on the others— she enchanted the scales so that if there was not an equal number of students per house, the whole school would come crashing down (literally). It is for this reason that the sorting is done before acceptance. All students who apply (age 10) stand under the scales and the book representing the house right for them opens and reads out a line. THEN the applications are reviewed and students are accepted.
by Naomi Bertin
Hawaii, America
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KipilankaKipilanka is the....well, the rebellious house. The kind famous for it's school pranks, where the kids don't care if they fit in. In this house they can unite and see that just because they stand out doesn't mean they don't belong, that they have to be alone. Kipilanka's symbol is the crow, and their colours are black and crimson. The exact reason this house was founded is unknown, but we believe that is is because Mele, one of the founders, made it in honor of her brother, and others like him. |
NonueaNonuea is the mindful house. The kids here would rather just think quietly than play pranks. It was the first house made and named, and it's mascot is the only one native to Hawaii, the turtle, and their colours are silver and teal. These kids tend to be some of the most advanced learners at the school, and find community in their house of like thinkers. This house was created by the founder Iekika, and she connected deeply with it's students. |
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NāmopiNāmopi is home to the outgoing. This is the house that takes in the most people from really far away. The adventurous, not just physically, but mentally. They're the first to try new spells, and won't stop till they master them.This house was created by founder Kepano, and is home to many famous wizards and witches. Their symbol is the bobcat, and their colors are gold and tan. |
Hani'wiaHani'wia-there isn't much known about this house. What exactly the founders intended for it is unclear, as is why the student get sorted into it. No one really knows the history of this house. All we have is a diary entry from Iekika listing the houses. In the other houses she went into descriptions. In this one she only scrawled, in a different pen then the rest, as if it was written later, "the dreamers." Their symbol is the seal, and their colors are purple and blue. |
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Kamala is located on Kamala island, which is invisible to Muggles, as are the other "sacred islands" where Hawaiian wizards live. In is a large palace, but doesn't give the impression of being large. There are five towers, one for each house, and one for the teachers, and each is topped with a giant sea glass dome, four in the houses colors, and the last a rainbow of all possible colors. Behind the palace is a beach, which is also considered part of the school, and students are encouraged to study and learn outside. At the front of the school are three large pillars, under which are the three founders graves. In the middle is Iekika, on the left Mele, and on the right Kepano. On each of the pillars words are inscribed, by the spells of the original students, the schools motto. "I ke ao pau ole" or "forever."
The Kamala school is in Hawaii, on a group of islands that are invisible to Muggles. It used to be that natives could see these islands, and only in times of war or travelers would they disappear. It is unknown who exactly charmed these islands, but many wizards, or Hoopomaikai (blessed), lived there. They helped out the Nāwaliwali (weak), who we call Muggles, and the Nāwaliwali saw them as gods. Hoopomaikai would cast spells to protects and help the Nāwaliwali, who worshipped them. In 1801 the magical powers surrounding the holy islands were low. Healani, the last living descendant of the two main magicers who had originally charmed the holy islands, had just died. A huge hurricane hit two of the smallest holy islands, Pōmaika’i and Kaha, as well as several non-blessed islands. Pōmaika’i and Kaha, as well as sixteen other islands, sunk. There ʻOkoʻa, now the smallest remaining island, was also greatly affected by the storm. Iekika, Healani’s half sister, decided that it was time for a new generation of people with great enough powers to restore Hawaii to its former state. She started a school on Kamana, the largest of the holy islands.
Of course she herself wasn’t skilled enough to create as grand a school as she dreamed of. Working with two other wizards, however, she began to accomplish her goal. The first wizard she recruited was Mele, a younger woman whose parents had been killed when Kaha sunk. Next a wizard names Kepano joined. There was already a school of magic there, but it was disorganised and frankly, a mess. Iekika, Mele, and Kepano fixed it up, along with help of others.
Iekika, Mele, and Kepano worked hard to found Kamala, but after most of the work was done they had a falling out. Mele and Kepano married, and seemed to forget about Iekika. Iekika grew bitter, no doubt feeling like a third wheel. Iekika saw herself as the master of the school, and Mele and Kepano as her helpers. Of course, they disagreed. While none of them left their posts ruling the school, Iekika would never talk to Mele and Kepano unless necessary, and they did the same. It is believed that Iekika was married to a Nāwaliwali, but nobody knows is she had children, or even her spouses name or gender. That may have been a factor in Iekika's death.
Iekika was considered the most powerful Hoopomaikai on the island, and she took the protection of Nāwaliwali to an even greater level than most. In 1817 she took it upon herself to rid the whole island of Maui of a terrible disease the Europeans had spread to the islands. In doing so she had to lower the spell preventing hurricanes on that island, for she had created it and couldn't keep it up and complete the spell. Unfortunately, there happened to be a hurricane on it's way that day. She managed to rid have the island of the sickness before, caught half in recasting the hurricane spell and half in taking away the disease, the hurricane set in. It is believed that she was able to do this by calling up another spell that has been lost to us over time, which can help the caster cast amazingly powerful spells, but requires their life force to do so.