Amazing Creatures of Magic


Creature of the Week


Physical Appearance

A Hippogriff is a beast that has front legs, wings, and head of a giant eagle and the body, hind legs, and tail of a horse. They also have steel-colored beaks, and large majestic orange eyes. The Hippogriff is very similar to another magical creature, a Griffin, with the horse rear replacing the lion rear.


Their Behaviour

Hippogriffs are extremely dangerous, until they have been tamed. They are loyal, only when showen the proper respect.


(Disclaimer: Training a Hippogriff should only be done by a trained witch or wizard)


Hippogriffs Diets

Occasionally, Hippogriffs diets can consists of small mammels, but mostly it is insects and birds. If there is no other food left, the Hippogriff will paw the ground for some worms.


Fun Facts

- Hippogriffs build nests on the ground, and will lay a single egg.

- Baby Hippogriffs can take fight within a week of being born, but it takes a while till they are capable of going on long flights.


Quote from a Character

"Yeh've got eye contact, now try not ter blink - Hippogriffs don't trust yeh if yeh blink too much..."

- Rubeus Hagrid


Hippogriff references in Harry Potter (Films)

- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Blog was written by:
Keko Malfoy
Keko Malfoy's FC
