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How it Feels Being Used
We've all been there. We've had someone who has told us they liked how we dressed, how we did our hair or makeup. Even say how they like you then the next day say they don't and aren't ready to get into anything. This is one of the many signs a guy is a using you or even a girl. Girls have much different signs though they aren't going to comment on your hair or how your dressed, they likely will go to manipulation. We'll get to the signs of both genders.
First what people need to know is how to spot someone using you. Whether it is a guy or a girl. People who do this are usually master manipulators and will play on your emotions this is where all those other blogs where we say stay open but also keep your guard up. Telling them what they are doing or calling them out on it usually won't make them feel bad or come to their senses they'll usually move on and do it to someone else.
Let's get to the list
(If a guy) Will compliment a lot and only do things according to their schedule
(If a girl) Will flirt with you and then ask for the specific thing she is looking for to see if you have it
(If a guy) Will often try to push things that you aren't comfortable with just for his own amusement.
(If a girl) Will move to the next person if they see you aren't falling for anything they are trying to do and block you on all contact even if you didn't do anything to deserve it
Just Don't Do it!
This is an important topic to touch on because it happens to much and it really does hurt people! Never do this always be honest with someone even if that means saying you aren't interested in them. Because not everyone uses someone on purpose sometimes someone will do it accidently out of not hurting someone's feelings but that still hurts.
Thanks for Reading till Next time! Comment below and let me know how you liked this!
written by:

Emery Levine