The First Flight
Welcome, one and all to the Boysenvine where we pass around the latest news, juicy bits and gossip that roamed the site! My name is Arya Cavelli , but you may know me by the nickname, "Caviar, Aryash, Arys," or one of the other monikers my friends have given me, and I'm your resident Boysengossip!
Now, there's a few tiny details that I want everyone to remember when it comes to these whispers and bits.
1. This blog follows a rule of "Positivitea," which means any gossip that slanders/ruins the image of a person will NOT be published, but will be brought up to a member of the Staff if action needs to be taken.
2. Each tip can be about anyone as long as it's not damaging to their persona/character by any means.
3. Staff, students, student-staff, anyone can be featured!
All right, that being said, let's get on with this week's boysenbits!
The Loafly Lime

Ever wonder why
Rico Riddle, our esteemed Celine Dion-loving Professor of History of Magic, has... a loaf.. of meat.. A meatloaf... as his FC? Well, in the great man's own words, "Because loaf is superior." It is indeed one of the superior foods, Professor, and may I take this opportunity to say how much we LOAF you?
Who Let the WOLVES Out?

No, seriously, could someone fill me in with what is up with those werewolves? Well, all right, after a bit of scrounging around (I apparently slept through the carnival hehe), THERE WERE WOLVES IN THE GREAT HALL! But what's this? Staff and student banded together and managed to drive them off-for now. Interestingly enough, a yellow-feathered wolf had been spotten scampering away from the Hall. We have
Alexandre Villenueve, SoAR professor, to thank for that! Three cheers for all the staff and students (and graduates!) who bravely defended our young 'uns!
Pack Attack!

But that's not all, it seemed, for the wolves were back-this time in the Hospital wing! This time, the lovely
Maryam Havich was the one who attempted to duckify the pack. Once again, graduates, alongside the students and staff drove them away-but curiously enough, the spells didn't seem to affect them very much. Food for the thought?
The Chomping Tea-Eaters

Curioser and curioser, dear readers, for there's been a student who's been spreading eatable tea! That's right, folks,
Maxi Olympotens has revealed a trickster among us! The unnamed student's Oobleck (even the name sounds suspicious) mixed with belladonna (stay away, it's poisonous, kids!) has caused what seems to be severe magical allergies of all sorts- an expanding child and a red-and-orange hive outbreak the most prominent. Suffice to say, the student was expelled (shhhh, it's a secret!) and the victims are recovering.
Whispering... Cheater?

I have lost count of the number of times that I've lost money thanks to the Whispering Wizard's tempting schemes! But during this season of giving seems to have... been.. quite harsh on the Wizard as his wheel seems to like taking money from the students even more often than usual! That deceptive little "X" on it seems to have a magnet-or does it? Oh, please, Mister Whispering Wizard, have some Christmas Spirit and refrain from letting your wheel land on the "X"?
Save the Ducklings!

SOMEONE SAVE HER! Or, more accurately, THERE'S A DROWNING DUCKLING! Or is it? Our dear
Maryam Havich and
Alexia Graham have decided to test out the limits of human transfiguration and turn themselves into a pair of ducklings! However our small Korean duckling became too excited and soon had the school's paddling of ducks crowding around her. The next thing she knew, Maryam-the-duck was flailing around, her head underwater. *gasp* Alexia, to the rescue? Or will another duck do it? Stay tuned!
And that's it this week from the Boysenvine! Got something juicy for us? Send an owl over to Arya Cavelli and we'll dig in a little deeper! See you next time!
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