Date Right:

Inside A Real Couple


written by:
Emery Levine
Hey guys today we have our professors of Astronomy and Potions, Annette Castaneda and Eodunn Ryung joining us foran interview about their dating lives and how they navigate the challenges of dating. I'm sure we are all excited for this one as we all take their classes. I mean who doesn't like Potions or Astronomy? Make sure to go take their classes they are amazing at what they do. Now let's get to the interview!
Thank you both for coming so let's get to the first question, How did you guys meet?
Funny enough, we met at Hogwarts when we were students. Can't say we were the best of friends back in the day. Though what really kicked off our not-friendship was when Eoduun had to teach me how to brew Amortentia. How sarcastic is that? HE taught me how to brew a potion (and then blamed me for doing it wrong when it was CLEARLY his fault) But yes, that's pretty much the story, nothing out of the ordinary, really.

Anette and I met when we were both kids at Hogwarts. It's easy enough to say that we were not friends, but we had encounters here and there. Most notably would be the time when I had to show Anette how to brew a love potion. As romantic as it sounds, it was nowhere near romantic.
That's so sweet! How do you overcome obstacles that come up with one another?
he shortest answer to this one is; we don't. Just kidding, of course. With Eoduun it's pretty easy, you give him chocolate frogs and he forgets he was ever mad. So from personal experience, if you can easily make people mad (or if you're with someone that gets easily mad) - make sure to remember their favorite snack!

We have over a hundred obstacles that we have yet to settle actually… I'm joking, we wouldn't leave that much unsettled I hope. Maybe its just us, but one of the top ways to settle things is through food. Even if (for some reason) the food doesn't work, then a simple talk usually settles things.
Food is always a great answer to things! Have you always been together or has it been na on and off relationship?
Lucky for us, we have not been on and off. We were one of the lucky ones to be in a relationship that's pretty stable!

I'm extremely grateful (and lucky) that our relationship has been stable throughout the years. Sure, we've had our ups and downs, but we've always been able to keep our relationship stable.

Thank you both for coming and giving us this interview there was a lot of information I had to choose from to put in here and you guys gave us a really good look into a good healthy relationship! Until next time if you have an idea you want to see on date right make sure to owl me!
Owl me at Emery Levine
coded by Issie