Your Weekly Horoscope



August 23rd ~
September 22nd


Have you been searching for a certain... spark lately? No, I don’t mean an incendio mishap, I mean a “spark.” Socially. Such as, connecting with someone almost instantly. Really? Well, this is the week to find one! Out in the open!

Feburary 19th ~
March 20th


You may find yourself with quite a few new people around lately... it’s not a bad thing, really! Embrace the love you’re spreading by showing these new people how much you care about them! Herbology has never been so much fun compared to when you’re finding sweet plants for a friend!

September 23rd ~
October 22nd


It’s your turn to shine! It’s your week to step into the spotlight, show everyone what you’re made of! Sing with the toads, score the winning points, do anything you’ve been dying to show off!

March 21st ~
April 19th


It’s written in the stars that you might want to get out and about for a bit this week! Things around your studies or workplace might not be... getting off just right. Going out for awhile- maybe for a short fly or even just a walk out to the Black Lake- should benefit you and everyone you encounter this week!

October 23rd ~
November 21st


If you’ve been putting off going on a trip, going exploring with your friends, or just avoiding getting out of the castle lately, you really should consider heading out this week. The stars show that it just may be this trip, this exploration, this stroll around the grounds, well, it could very well be the best time of your life!

April 20th ~
May 20th


Have you been wanting to try something new lately? Today’s the day, then! Get out there and seize your moment! It’s time you learned that new potion, or even applied for that job!

November 22nd ~
December 21st


It’s time to trust your instincts! Think fast! I’m kidding. I can’t throw something at you, that’s rude. However, I can inform you that something big might be headed your way and it’s highly suggested you think fast to get past it.

May 21st ~
June 20th


This week is the perfect time for you to get in touch with some old friends. Have you lost touch with the Muggle next door? Perhaps an old family friend that was sent to Durmstrang? Try to get reconnected!

December 22nd ~
January 19th


Remember when you took the time back when you were 8 to learn the cello, and never tried it again? This is the perfect time to try it out again! I guarantee you won’t regret it, and things just may turn out a bit... differently... than you’d expect.

June 21st ~
July 22nd


It appears the stars have shifted and a romantic or creative opportunity is headed your way! Be on the lookout for that Gryffindor crush of yours! They just may be on their way to asking you to be theirs! Or, perhaps your latest art piece has inspired a professor?

January 20th ~
February 18th


Your routine has become less of a thing to look forward to and more of a force of habit. That’s ok! One of the greatest ways to fix this? Add something positive! Compliment yourself every morning, compliment a friend, etc. It’ll cause a significant difference in your mood!

July 23rd ~
August 22nd


This week, honesty is definitely he best policy! It’s encouraged that you find a way to keep your honesty outward, while keeping your positivity flowing! You never know who might need just a glance of your smile!

This blog was written by:
Eliza Peters {Social Media Team}