Hello, and welcome to the second edition of Zodiac Academy! Our last article's topic was Scorpio, and today we will be looking into none other than....(pause for effect)....Leo! The Lion, one of the bravest signs, known for their loyalty. Let's see what houses they'd be in, their friends, romances and enemies.
The Sorting Ceremony
First, let's start with the traits. Leos are confident, loyal and courageous beings. Very much like the lion, they are natural leaders, powerful and determined to conquer anything they set their minds to. They recognize their own strength, and aren't afraid to express it. They are loyal and protective of their close friends, sometimes prone to jealousy.
With this, I'd say a Leo would definitely be a...GRYFFINDOR!

Leos would be good at Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration. They are not afraid to show their worth in front of the Dark Arts. And as for Transfiguration, many Animagi are from Gryffindor, and becoming an Animagus is really difficult. Not to mention that at least two very well known Transfiguration professors are from Gryffindor.
Despite being a bit self-centered, Leos make the best friends ever. Having a Leo as a friend will form a lifelong bond for years to come. And if anyone tries to mess with the friend with a Leo, they'd better beware. You do not want to be enemies with a Leo.
If you're a Leo, your close friends would be your fellow fire signs, Aries and Sagittarius. Leos adore Aries's fun-loving spirit and Aries appreciates your activeness and bold nature. Other than his/her fellow fire signs, Leos have the best of friendships with Geminis, with their playful nature, Libras, with the life-loving spirit, and Aquariuses, because of their extreme loyalty to each other.
Taurus and Scorpios are a Leo's worst enemies. Tauruses are very stubborn, and hate being ordered around. Leos also hate Taurus's thriftiness, making it very difficult to get along.
As for Scorpios, both them and Leo need attention. Neither of them would give up until their opponents are reduced to nothing. Scorpio does not give Leo that much recognition, and in turn, does not get the respect it wants. So, both signs want to take revenge on each other when together.
Love Interests
Now for dating, Leo is most compatible with its fellow fire signs, Aries, Sagittarius, and, of course, other leos, because they complete each other, giving Leo the attention it needs, and giving back equal attention.
With that, let's conclude the article, thank you so much for reading. If you'd like to see a particular Zodiac Sign, feel free to owl me. :)
Stay tuned for the next article! Byee!!
Written by:
Ingrid Potter |