Hermione Granger
Basic Information | ||
Birthday | September 19th 1979 | |
Marital Status | Married | |
Birthplace | England, Great Britain | |
Wand | 10¾", vine, dragon heartstring | |
Boggart | Failure | |
Corporeal Patronus | Otter |
Hermione Jean Granger was the daughter of two dentists, Mr. Granger and Mrs. Granger, that lived in London in England. At the age of 11 years old, she got introduced to the wizarding world, and like all the witches and wizards, she got accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. On 1st September 1991, Hermione started at Hogwarts, where she got sorted into Gryffindor. Also in Gryffindor were Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. What she didn’t know was, that they would become great friends.
Hermione had the idea that she was the best student, so she studied hard and answered all questions she was asked, without mistakes.
Family | |
Unknown Name | Father |
Unknown Name | Mother |
Ronald Weasley | Husband |
Rose Granger-Weasley | Daughter |
Hugo Granger-Weasley | Son |
Hermione's Wand
Hermione had two wands: The first she got in Diagon Alley at Ollivanders It was made of vine wood and dragon heartstring. In Hermione’s seventh year she lost her wand, but temporarily got Bellatrix Lestrange’s wand, made of walnut and dragon heartstrings.
Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare (S.P.E.W.)
Hermione was probably the only one who ever read the book “Hogwarts: A History”, and was able to memorize it. While at Hogwarts, she started S.P.E.W (Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare) after she found out that the school had more than 100 elves. When she found out that in her favorite book, Hogwarts: A History, there wasn’t any mention of elves, she got mad. She even called the book “History of Hogwarts – an untruthful book”.
Hogwarts Year 7
Hermione left Hogwarts after her sixth year, to hunt and destroy Horcruxes with Ron and Harry. Before they left on their journey, Hermione found all the necessary books about horcruxes they would need, to have the knowledge,and ability to destroy them.
Hermione feared for her parent’s safety, so she erased their memories, so they couldn’t remember her. They thought they were Wendell and Monica Wilkins, that were moving to Australia, with no child.
On their long journey to destroy horcruxes, they got to many destinations:
Their first destination was the Ministry of Magic, because they found out that Dolores Umbridge had a horcrux. The trio got the horcrux and continued their journey.
Later they went to the Godric Hollow to visit Bathilda Bagshot, but instead they got attacked by Voldemort’s snake Nagini.
After that, they went to Luna Lovegood’s house, where only her father, Xenophilius Lovegood was home. He tried to keep them back, because his daughter, Luna had been taken by Voldemort’s Death Eaters.
Before the Death Eaters could catch them, they ran. They were tracked down by some death eaters, and taken to Malfoy Manor. There, Hermione got tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange, who questioned her about Godric Gryffindor’s sword.
This torture ended with, Hermione being scared for life, with the word ‘Mudblood’ written on her arm. The trio escaped, thanks to Dobby, who gave up his life to help them.
Harry, Ron and Hermione broke into Gringotts, to open Bellatrix Lestranges box, because Helga Hufflepuff cup was located there.
Second Wizarding War
The second of May 1998, the trio returned to Hogwarts, where a new war was starting. The three friends were fighting with Dumbledore's Army (D.A) who all confirmed that they would fight with the trio.
Three of the seven horcruxes got destroyed while the war was at Hogwarts. The first was Helga Hufflepuff’s cup, destroyed in the Chamber of Secret, by Hermione. The second was the Ravenclaw diadem which was destroyed by fire, in the Room of Requirements. Harry, Ron and Hermione battled Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. The third horcrux was the snake Nagini, who was killed by Neville Longbottom with the Gryffindor sword.
After the War
Hermione went back to Hogwarts, where she took her exam and graduated. After that she got a job in the Ministry of Magic, where they were busy with regulation and control of magical creatures. Later, she got promoted and got the rules, that was in favor of the full bloods, changed.
In 2017, when Hermione was 37 years old she finally married Ronald Weasley. They already had two kids together, one girl named Rose and one boy named Hugo. In addition, she even was godmother to Harry and Ginny’s son James Sirius Potter.
Written by Unknown
Base code by Andrew Sutherland, edited by Iselin Merilä and Desmond Gray.