Match to Needle

Basic Information    
Type Transfiguration spell
Incantation Unknown
Emitted Light Unknown
Effect Turns a match into a needle


Using this spell (incantation unknown), a match was changed into a needle. It was among the most basic spells of transfiguration. This was the first spell taught in Transfiguration class because it was the most straightforward.

Only Hermione Granger had significantly improved her match at the end of their first lesson, and Professor Minerva McGonagall proudly demonstrated to the class how it had gone silver and was fairly pointed, suggesting that even starting students struggled with it. She subsequently assigned "a pile of homework" to the students, most likely related to this spell.


Harry Potter Wiki – Match to Needle

Written by Desmond Gray
Base code by Andrew Sutherland, edited by Iselin Merilä and Desmond Gray.