Diagon Alley

Basic Information    
Location Charing Cross Road, London, England, Great Britain
Point of Access The Alley behind the Leaky Cauldron, or by the Floo Network

Quick Info

Diagon Alley is completely hidden from the muggle world; it is a myriad of different shops with restaurants, markets, and other things. Hogwarts Students can also find most things needed for their school year in Diagon Alley as well.

Historical Information

Everyone knows that one of the best ways to enter Diagon Alley is through the brick wall behind the Leaky Cauldron. Reports say that the Leaky Cauldron was around before the alley was created, and there has been some debate among historians about which building is older. Gringotts seems to be the popular pick, but there are some who believe that Ollivander's Wand Shop was around before the famous bank was established. The Alley was believed to have been built in the 1500s, and in 1926 there was a report that one of the shops had been robbed, and the robbers enlisted the help of a four-headed bird.
Diagon Alley is a bustling place, especially in the weeks after Hogwarts letters are sent out. It is a place where you can meet with some already established friendships, and even make some new freinds. For example, in Hogwarts Mystery, Diagon Alley is where Jacob's sibling met her friend Rowan for the first time. Another interesting fact - Gilderoy Lockhart has held 2 different book signings (that we know of), first in February 1988 and again in the summer before Harry Potter's second year. At one point, after Voldemort's return, a lot of shops closed and were replaced by establishments similar to Borgin and Burke's, whose items to purchase were mainly focused on the Dark Arts. After Voldemort was defeated, it took a lot of community support, but Diagon Alley was returned to its former glory. There is a lot of historical information in Diagon Alley, from friends, to meet and greets, to duels in Knocturn Alley, if you look hard enough you can always find what you're looking for.
Diagon Alley is a great place to go and get things for the start of a new school year. In fact, that is where Jacob's sibling AND Harry Potter and friends got their supplies. Although, that isn't the only thing this place is useful for. Flourish & Botts is a bookshop that doesn't just hold the books needed for school, but also other books used for entertainment or information. Diagon Alley is filled with plenty of ways to entertain yourself. There are different restaurants, book shops, potion shops, and many more things that make it a great place for all types of shoppers. If you've ever been, you'll also notice that there all types of vendors with stalls and carts that line parts of the street selling all types of bits and bobs.

Stores What Does This Store Sell?
2nd Hand Brooms Used Broomsticks; Services such as repairs, retwigging and retuning
Amanuensis Quills Quills and Ink
Apothecary Ingredients for potion-making
Broomstix Broomsticks
Eeylops Owl Emporium Owls, and the necessities to care for them
Florean Fortescu's
Ice Cream Parlor
A sit down resturaunt; Sold all types of ice cream flavors
Flourish and Blotts Books of all sorts; Book signings are held here as well
Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop A big selection of different items, perfect for pulling the best pranks on your friends
Globus Mundi Travel Agents Offered deals to travel places
Gringotts Wizarding Bank Nothing is Sold...It's a bank
Healer Shop A free clinic of sorts ran by a female healer
The Junk Shop Second-hand items, usually broken or non-working
Leaky Cauldron Pub and inn; sold drinks and rented rooms; allowed entrance to Diagon Alley through the back
Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions All types of robes; Ones for school or special occasions; Cloaks could also be purchased, and very rarely was the Invisibility Cloak on Sale
Madam Primpernelle's Beautifying Potions Services to get rid of facial marks such as warts; I would assume potions of different sorts as well
Magical Menagerie A pet shop; pets, and the things needed to care for them could be found here
Mr. Mulpepper's Apothecary Potion Ingredients; Potion-Kit Bag; Cleaning Solutions and Restorative Draughts
Obscurus Books This was a book publishing agency; most notable publishing was Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Ollivanders Wands
Owl Post Office Owls were hired to deliver letters and packages, and some were sold to witches and wizards
Potage's Cauldron Shop Cauldrons
Potions for All Afflictions Known for selling potions, especially Skele-Gro
Quality Quidditch Supplies Qudditch Related Items, such as broomsticks and bludgers
Rosa Lee Teabag Cups of Tea, possibly some pastries
Scribbulus Writing Implements Writing instruments (quills and inks) as well as something to write on (parchment)
Second-Hand Bookshop Used books are sold here. Condition varies as some have writing in the margins, and some look almost new
Second-Hand Robes Donated, hand-me-down robes were sold here
Slug and Jiggers Apothecary Potion-making ingredients and ready-made potions
Sugarplum's Sweets Shop Magical sweets and confections
TerrorTours Adventure Tourism; Required to sign waivers stating that injuires or death that occured on these trips were no fault of the shops
The Ministry Press Wanted posters, and news information from the Ministry
The Daily Prophet's Main Office New Editions of the Daily Prophet were printed and sold here
Twilfitt and Tattings Clothing and school robes
Weasley's Wizard Wheezes Practical Joke Objects, Fred and George's WonderWitch Products, Muggle Magic Tricks, & Defensive Magical Objects
Whizz Hard Books Book Publisher; Most Notable Book being Quidditch Through the Ages
Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment Miscellaneous Magical Instruments (like maps and telescopes)
ZA Coffee Coffee and other hot drinks


Diagon Alley Lexicon WoP DK
Diagon Alley HP Wiki

Written by Vaughn Layton
Base code by Andrew Sutherland, edited by Iselin Merilä and Desmond Gray.