
Basic Information    
Usage Herbology
Alihotsy-flavoured fudge
Sentience non-sentient


Alihotsy was a type of magical tree, sometimes referred to as the Hyena tree. Its stems were green in colour and its leaves displayed green and red colour. The latter could induce incontrollable laughter and hysteria, whereas the glumbumble treacle acted as an antidote to these effects. Its diet consists of owl dung fertiliser.
Finely cut alihotsy leaves were an ingredient in the Laughing Potion. They were also utilized in the Memory Potion and as the primary component of the Alihotsy Draught.


In the greenhouses at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, alihotsy was grown. Professor Sprout introduced the Alihotsy plant to seventh-year Herbology students during the 1990–1991 school year. Later in the year, Sprout assigned her seventh-year students the duty of taking care of an Alihotsy plant outside of the classroom to demonstrate their abilities in anticipation of the impending N.E.W.T.s. However, when a Red Cap in the Forbidden Forest ate its leaves, one of the Alihotsy plants almost died.
The plant was also used for creating Alihotsy-flavoured fudge. It may cause allergies in humans, which could be deadly. Wilhelmina Tuft, the British Ministry of Magic's Minister for Magic, passed away in office in 1959 after realizing too late that she was allergic to this certain fudge.


Harry Potter Wiki – Alihotsy
Harry Potter Wiki - Alihotsy-flavoured fudge

Written by Emil Crim.
Base code by Andrew Sutherland, edited by Iselin Merilä and Desmond Gray.