Have you ever wondered what Aurors do all day? You’re not alone! In fact, a particularly restless group of journalists have come together to tackle this very question with a proposal like no other. Their mission? To shadow the Aurors and uncover exactly what their day-to-day entails! Curious? Keep reading to find out more.
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August Lumsden another amazing article zadie :D!
Mick Lamos Wooo! Awesome article I cannot wait for the next one! \o/
Viorica Popescu I am always excited to read this series! Incredible work, Zadie!
Libby Thurlow Good read. :) I'm ready for the next one.
Iselin Merilä Go Zadie! Awesome job as always <3
Elizabeth Weasley I can not wait to read the next one. You all did some amazing work on this.
Seraphine Viotto loved this!!