The Social Media team has branched out and is now following in the Footsteps of the notorious Rita Skeeter with a scandalous gossip style - but mostly truthful blog post about the lives of our fave characters, and occasionally some of our more original characters as well!
Lyko Cromwell Loved this! Can't wait for them next one!
Missy Thomson Lavender died I think during the battle of Hogwarts
Callidora Cresthorne Not sure I can possibly comment on the array of skeletons Ms Skeeters closet but I can imagine Lavenders nickname being something cutesy like Petal.
Meeting place for Potterheads
Become a part of the most amazing online magical universe and meet a lot of nice and kind people, that share the same interests as you. We bid you welcome with open arms!
Lyko Cromwell Loved this! Can't wait for them next one!
Missy Thomson Lavender died I think during the battle of Hogwarts
Callidora Cresthorne Not sure I can possibly comment on the array of skeletons Ms Skeeters closet but I can imagine Lavenders nickname being something cutesy like Petal.